Hey, We’re good judys. An organic juice bar, smoothie shop, and healthier corner store.

Real, plant-based foods have the power to heal our bodies (yes we know that sounds new age-y) but it’s true!

If you’ve wondered what would happen if a Physician Assistant and a Yoga Teacher opened a juice bar and healthy-ish corner store… now you know!

Hey Friends! We’re Dean and Connor, founders of Good Judy’s, the fruitiest juice bar and smoothie shop in Grand Rapids, MI.

Our product philosophy

We’re here to help you thrive.

We're on a mission to meet you where you’re at, regardless if you’re just getting started or you’re decades into your health journey. Also, sometimes eating a cookie is what you need to thrive in the moment and we’re totally here for that too!

Real, plant-based foods are healing

We’re firm believers that real, plant-based foods and ingredients are life changing and inspiring. We’re dedicated to using only the best organic, local produce to craft your drinks and meals.

Healthy foods should be accessible.

We think that everyone deserves access to the best foods nature has to offer. We also believe in supporting minority-owned small businesses over massive corporations that’s why over 75% of our suppliers are founded by women, POCs, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Our Mission

To make healthy foods fun and accessible, while providing a safe, inclusive space for our community.

Our store exist to be a safe space for our community.